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With the addition of the "built in" field, we have more interesting info to add and provide to our readers. In many cases, the country of assembly is either the same as origin (which doesn't really require the field to be filled) or not that easy to establish, but in this thread we can list "defaults" that can be added for the not-so-obvious, yet consistent examples.

A few follow:

1. Buick LaCrosse/Allure (as well as other modern-day W-bodies, incl. Impala and Grand Prix) are built in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.

2. Nissan Altimas have been built in the USA ever since

3. Opel Vivaros are built by IBC in the UK

4. All "eurovans" are built by Sevel Nord in France, same goes for their commercial brethren, while the large Fiat/PSA vans are built by Sevel Sud in Italy.
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