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My father was alone in the car, and fortunately he only had minor injuries (though that he still has some sequels in his back due to broken/damaged vertebra).
The driver of the green Mercedes van did not stop despite the fact that he had a "yield" sign on its road:
My father tried to stop but could not slow down enough to avoid the accident.
Fortunately, he always puts his seatbelt. Else he would have been dead.
The front of the car did absorb the shock well, it shows that the 405 was actually quite good for its generation. The car was of course for the junkyard, shortened by about 20 cm. It was a nearly new car (less than 6 months old I think), but it was not his car: it was a company car.

He had many accidents, but really few of his fault.

Or major ones were:

Citroën DSuper vs Tram:
DS dead, the shock dismantled it. He was stopped at a red light, the tram coming on the same way did not stop...

Citroën XM vs VW Golf:
Golf dead, XM only a little damaged but could not run by itself to the garage as the fender was touching the wheel. He was coming from the right, the driver of the Golf did not see him as she was talking to her kids on the back.

Peugeot 205 vs Opel Astra:
205 dead, I guess the Astra too. My father was turning left, the Astra passed at the red light... but no witnesses to prove it :sad: Fortunately the car was insured for "all risks", i.e. he got money for the loss.
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