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Have just completed final episode of TV series Underbelly (2008)
This series is a dramatisation of real events known as the Melbourne Gangland Wars which resulted in the deaths of 34 criminals and their associates over a ten year period.
Now have files for each of the 13 episodes.
How should I post the pics, one episode at a time?
Also some vehicles appear in one episode, others appear in more than one, should that affect the rating or should the rating only be related to the episode it appears most.
Will startsending zip files as soon as I finish naming the last two episodes files
This series is a dramatisation of real events known as the Melbourne Gangland Wars which resulted in the deaths of 34 criminals and their associates over a ten year period.
Now have files for each of the 13 episodes.
How should I post the pics, one episode at a time?
Also some vehicles appear in one episode, others appear in more than one, should that affect the rating or should the rating only be related to the episode it appears most.
Will startsending zip files as soon as I finish naming the last two episodes files