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Goofy Dracula parody from the 70's. Will the Transylvanian vampire survive (what was then) modern-day New York City?
Cadillac Funeral Coach hearse. Dracula's primary mode of conveyance, "a combination getaway car and mobile home," as he puts it. 3 stars.
Checker Marathon (?) taxi used by Dracula in a chase sequence at the end (Renfield took the hearse).
Police motorcycle used by fearless (and inept) vampire hunters Dr. Rosenberg and Lt. Ferguson to chase the taxi. 3 stars.
Volkswagon Beetle that gives Renfield a lift to the city from the airport. 2 stars.
Ferguson's unmarked police car. A Ford LTD? 2 stars.
Car used in a photo shoot. 2 stars.
Taxi. And Rosenberg in short pants. 2 stars.
Ambulance that takes Rosenberg to the insane asylum (for reasons other than his horrid fashion sense). 2 stars.
Ford van of some sort. Animal control vehicle. 2 stars.
Forklift. 2 stars.
Background vehicles to come.
Cadillac Funeral Coach hearse. Dracula's primary mode of conveyance, "a combination getaway car and mobile home," as he puts it. 3 stars.
Checker Marathon (?) taxi used by Dracula in a chase sequence at the end (Renfield took the hearse).
Police motorcycle used by fearless (and inept) vampire hunters Dr. Rosenberg and Lt. Ferguson to chase the taxi. 3 stars.
Volkswagon Beetle that gives Renfield a lift to the city from the airport. 2 stars.
Ferguson's unmarked police car. A Ford LTD? 2 stars.
Car used in a photo shoot. 2 stars.
Taxi. And Rosenberg in short pants. 2 stars.
Ambulance that takes Rosenberg to the insane asylum (for reasons other than his horrid fashion sense). 2 stars.
Ford van of some sort. Animal control vehicle. 2 stars.
Forklift. 2 stars.
Background vehicles to come.