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Here are the first four seasons of Brainiac, the ones hosted by Richard Hammond of Top Gear.
Each post will be a season, so they are separated and not all in one massive post as there are 57 cars in total. The majority are two star cars.
Ep 1.02
2 Stars - Volvo 760
Ep 1.03
2 Stars - Ford Granada
2 Stars - Vauxhall Nova
Ep 1.06
2 Stars - Challenger 2 Tank
Here are the first four seasons of Brainiac, the ones hosted by Richard Hammond of Top Gear.
Each post will be a season, so they are separated and not all in one massive post as there are 57 cars in total. The majority are two star cars.
Ep 1.02
2 Stars - Volvo 760
Ep 1.03
2 Stars - Ford Granada
2 Stars - Vauxhall Nova
Ep 1.06
2 Stars - Challenger 2 Tank