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Poll: Do you like to see the destruction of cars? (Votes: 31)
I like to see all cars destroyed (especially the expensive cars): 39% (12)
Destruction is O.K. only for cheap cars: 23% (7)
A little destruction is O.K. (like a shot tire or smashed window): 29% (9)
I don't like destruction at all. All cars have to survive.: 10% (3)
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Poll: Destruction of cars
Published 05/06/2008 @ 14:17:23, By ecclefechan
If nice cars get destroyed in an exciting scene in a good movie, then that's absolutely fine with me. As long as the scene is done right, I've not got a problem with it.

However, what I do dislike seeing is nice cars getting wrecked in AWFUL movies. Transporter 2 is a movie so awful that I can't even put it into words, and it even annoys me to see a ten a penny Crown Victoria get destroyed in a completely worthless movie like that, especially in really absurd scenes with supposedly professional law enforcement officers driving like utter morons.
This classic Morris Minor is blown up in an utter abortion of a movie. How many of these can there be left in the USA and they had to destroy it?
The movie wasn't awful, but this final scene was not only criminally wasteful, but also immensely stupid. Read my comment on that page for more details.

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Poll: Destruction of cars
Published 05/06/2008 @ 14:33:14, By CarChasesFanatic
A car chase without at least some cars being wrecked or damaged is no fun.

AMEN! :lol:
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