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I trust you but even if sad i find these helps as quite a good idea, people having trouble to buy a new car have it easier with these helps

How can you even say this? Systematically destorying perfectly good cars for no reason is a crime that should be punishable by death! To me these "laws" sound like a second Holocaust... but this time for cars. I can understand if the car is really a piece of crap and has a horrible body, engine, or transmission, but if it still looks decent and runs fine why the hell should it be destroyed for no reason?? And the majority of people buying new cars nowadays don't even "need" a new car (I think I read somewhere it's around 70% or so of all new car buyers). They just want a new car, the one they have is perfectly fine, but they just want to be "modern" or look "cool" or something. And I'm sorry but that kind of thing is just the height of douchebaggery. Those kind of people are just superficial spolied brats.

This brings up one of the very few reasons I am happy that I live in the Michigan, where there are no inspections, regulations, or stupid incentives like this to get rid of old cars. You have the freedom to drive what you want, without people trying to make you take your old beauty to the crusher.

P.S. You refer to cars of the 90s as old, but with the quality that cars are built with these days they are really not so "old" after all...
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