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"Monk" Ep. 7.14
"Mr. Monk and the Magician"
Natalie's Hyundai Genesis
The 4DSQ554 license plate is the same one that was on the Nissan Sentra. Obviously, the plate is invalid because the third letter is Q. The first and third letter are never I, O, or Q. In addition, the car is too new for a 4-series license plate. If real, the plate would have stayed with the Sentra, and the Genesis would have been issued a new license plate somewhere in the 6F or 6G range.
The role of this car, please
"Mr. Monk and the Magician"
Natalie's Hyundai Genesis
The 4DSQ554 license plate is the same one that was on the Nissan Sentra. Obviously, the plate is invalid because the third letter is Q. The first and third letter are never I, O, or Q. In addition, the car is too new for a 4-series license plate. If real, the plate would have stayed with the Sentra, and the Genesis would have been issued a new license plate somewhere in the 6F or 6G range.
The role of this car, please