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I don't like steering-wheel-covers on my cars, but I love it, when a previous owner had some (so the pure 70ies-style, made from Skai-plastic and bended around the steering-wheel), because the 70ies-steering-wheels from harder plastic are often scratched, mainly from wedding-rings. It's ugly to touch them in this rough condition. But in nice condition, I like them more than the newer, smoother, covered with this foam-plastic-stuff.
@Max: if you just clean your car sometimes, you don't need floor-mats. They are even worse in the wintertime and when it's wet outside, because it's wet underneath them. This causes mould easier than the wet original floor, which can dry better without mats on it.
I had cars, which had three or four floor-mats on the original ground. How stupid...
Yes, when I got a rotten K 70 for wrecking, I had a ritual: the first thing, I've done, was to take the garbage-bin and to pick out all these unoriginal "extras" like floor mats, air-fresheners, seat-covers, rubber-covers on door-edges etc. After that ritual the car was in the correct condition to get wrecked by me.
@Max: if you just clean your car sometimes, you don't need floor-mats. They are even worse in the wintertime and when it's wet outside, because it's wet underneath them. This causes mould easier than the wet original floor, which can dry better without mats on it.
I had cars, which had three or four floor-mats on the original ground. How stupid...
Yes, when I got a rotten K 70 for wrecking, I had a ritual: the first thing, I've done, was to take the garbage-bin and to pick out all these unoriginal "extras" like floor mats, air-fresheners, seat-covers, rubber-covers on door-edges etc. After that ritual the car was in the correct condition to get wrecked by me.