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It won't work as well as they want it to no doubt. Only a few people are actually going to do it. It is really only good for people on the fence about getting a new car, it won't sway people who hadn't even thought about buying new. Even with the voucher people will still have to come up with 10-20k dollars, and no one has that to spend (and certainly not the kind of people being targeted). It is rather stupid and will likely be a huge flop like in a couple of other places that have tried it.

If they were giving away 4,500 dollars CASH instead of a new car voucher, than it would be a completely different story. But of course they're not doing that...

They originally wanted to get 500,000 cars, but many are saying they will struggle to get even 200,000 because the law is so restricted. Just pointless and stupid is what it is.
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