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I know that I make a lot of videos rather than photos, but The video I thought showed the damage better than the photos I took. Anyways, today, unfortunately, my car got keyed in Newport Beach, Ca. What happened was that I went to park my car at a mall called Fashion Island. When I got out of the car, my door accidentally bumped the side of a BMW 745i. No major harm was done to either cars, or none at all. Apparently the owner was in the car when it happened. This is kind of how it went:

IDIOT- Was that necessary to hit my car like that?
ME- Oh, I'm really sorry sir.
IDIOT- You know, you gotta learn to respect other people's property!
ME- Dude, it was an accident. Sorry, sh*t happens.
IDIOT- Yeah, Sh*t does happen, but you need to learn to respect other people's property!
ME- Look dude, I'm sorry about your car alright? I love my car just as much as you love yours.
IDIOT- Yeah, but your car is a piece of sh*t!
FRIEND- Calm down
IDIOT- What? What did you say to me?
(PAUSE, I back my friend away)
ME- Okay sir, I'm really sorry about your car.
(Idiot gets into his car)
Me- Take care.

One hour later, I come back, and the car was keyed from the front door to the side of the headlight! You all can bet that I was really pissed! :angry: I called the mall security and then I called the police. I filed a report and then when all was said and done, I went home. The police said that I can call my insurance company and that they can pay to have it fixed without raising the rates. I then found out that if I did do that, my rates would actually go up. It was something about a Deductible, but I got confused. I do pay for my insurance, but can anyone explain to me about how that whole deductible thing works? Thanks. Believe it or not, This is the 2nd time my car was vandalized within 2 months. :angry:
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