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Anyone who supports SOPA is an idiot. This thing will really fu*k up the web. There are so many videos, blogs and webpages out there that expose this stupid law for what it is and how hypocritical the supporters are of it. That kid in the news - Richard O'Dwyer lives just a few towns away from me. I know he's made a lot of money from his site (even though he has only linked to "illegal" video sites, which is what so many people do everyday - he hasn't actually uploaded any illegal video files), but the fact that he's been flown over to the US because he "broke US law" even though he lives in the UK??? That's messed up. I fully support Richard and his family on this one.

And these idiots who are in charge of the major corporations (money and power does not equal intelligence) who want to pass SOPA and PIPA are naive to think that they'll "end piracy". I'm not supporting piracy here, nor do I recommend it, but piracy has always been around in many forms, long before the net. But to regulate and "control" or even censor the entire net in order to stop it is just stupid. It will take a long time if actual piracy is ever going to be completely abolished and there are fine lines between what is "piracy" and what is not.

My thanks go to Antp for posting that simple, yet highly effective banner.

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