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@ dsl: the first time I saw this car, it seems to me it was an AH, although I don't really know the details of that make. Looking at pictures (Wikimedia, Flickr, Bing and so on), I noticed the "filler cap issue" and some others details. But I didn't find a picture in wich the rear lights were not one above the other. As I focused on that problem, it was difficult for me to recognise the model.

I added 2 photos on my website. Unfortunately, there is no front view, so we cannot see more of the hood/bonnet. But I thing you're right, its Ok for at least a AH 100: I found two "twins" of the car of Unforgettable: 2 1956 Austin Healey 100 with a "Le Mans kit". On the black model, a plate says: "100 - This car has been fitted with a 'Le Mans' modification kit".
The tail of both of them match the one of the Tv model, with no second upper lights...

For the IMCDb, should it be noted just as an Austin Healey 100M, as a "100 'Le Mans'", or as a "100M Le Mans"? According to wikipedia:
"the 100M components (except for the high compression pistons) were also available as the Le Mans Engine Modification Kit which could be installed in either a BN1 or BN2 [...]. The Le Mans kit and its component parts could be ordered from BMC, so cars were modified by Austin dealers and private owners"
And most "normal" 100M seem to have the double rear lights...

Second question: which pic would be the best for the new page, in your opinion? It's frustrating there's no entire view of the car...
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