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Thanks to show the proper way to a padawan, masters Jedi! :smile: And thanks for your patience.
Page done.

It could have been on the "1956 Austin Healey 100M Le Mans" page, on which you posted a comment, dsl, but as you say,
1]At those distances and with fragmented views, we can not prove 100M, but it is an early 100-4 at least, and the bonnet strap gives 100M. We can't prevent it being a lookalike - bonnet straps are easy to fit - but there is nothing visible to prevent it being 100M and all other clues seem present. Sometimes we just have to make the best ID possible from what's visible.

With your permission, I'll add this analysis on a comment with the other views.

For the record: on the "simple" Austin Healey 100M page, someone wrote:
"I suspect that by now, after 55 years, no two cars are exactly similar." :wink:
On that page, the tail matches "my" criteria of simple rear lights, by the way...

@ dsl: never tried to solve this? :smile:
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