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Here is the VW K70 wreck:

It's located in a rather remote area of Argyll in Scotland, beside Loch Awe. I haven't been there since but I may return at some point in the summer months as it's a beautiful area. Would the VIN still be on this? The entire front end seems to be gone :D. Back when I was 10 in April 1996, I stayed at a holiday park at Loch Awe with my family. I remember this property being absolutely full of old cars but unfortunately had no means of taking photos back then. Almost all of the old cars are gone now, save for this, the remains of a 1980 Datsun Sunny and what looks like the remains of a Fiat Panda.

:wam: Hmm, without the front it's not possible to note the VIN-number. Maybe there are some papers left in the glovebox... :petrus:

Finally an absolute typical UK-car-wreck: the tin-parts felt into dust, but the plastic and rubber bits are still fine - note the floor mats (aftersales market stuff), the door panels, the skai-leather-seats and the coolingwater-hose. Even the radio is still there.
In other, hotter and dryer countries, even in Germany, the rubber/plastic parts would be gone.

About your envisaged car: should be possible to pick a cheap clunker for you in advance. Let me know your max. price and the accepted models.

Do you have a chance to take a pair of British dealers-plates with you, resp. are they vaild outside the UK?
AFAIK it became annyoing with the export-plates (red bar on the right and red sticker) here, that you have to bring the car to the authority for checking the VIN-number. The other choice would be easier and cheaper, the 5-day-plates (yellow bar on the right, blue sticker), but they are not accepted in some other countries. When we sold my wife's Polo bluemotion to Poland, it was o.k. for the Polish authorities, but I was told, that Belgium -which you have to pass on the way back home- does not allow them.
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