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As you probably all noticed, since now about a month the site is very slow at some times.
One of the reason is the number of bots crawling the site, as there are many more of these than real humans.
But it is not the only reason, it is most likely a combination of factors.
Another may be the age of the server.
Also maybe some software issue, after the 7 upgrades done on the OS in the last years. A clean install may help, I hope.
It is also probable that the amount of data reached a critical mass, the disk seems to have issues to follow (old classic HDD).

In the next days/week I'll move the site to a new server with SSD, but due to limited space on these I'll keep the comment pictures on the old server for a short time (luckily I used "" rather than the main domain for these, so I can easily have them on a separate server).

After moving the main site, I'll move the comment pictures to a new smaller separate server, for that the speed is less an issue.

The admins have a hard time validating all the new contributions when the site is slow (often in the evening CET-time, which matches the middle of the day for American timezones). So in the meantime, it could help them if there are less contributions to process, less urgent contributions can maybe wait a little.
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