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[done] Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983-1987)
Published 26/11/2013 @ 04:07:08, By HunterMan
This is a better pic of Scarecrow's 1963 Porsche. There is already a pic there for it on the show's section that I provided about 5 years ago. However, it's not that good of a pic and this one shows and includes much more of the car itself. It's from Season 1 Episode 12 ("Lost and Found"). If you could make this pic the "main" one instead that would be awesome!
File: Scarecrow's Porsche.JPG ( 57.5 KB - 577 )

Latest Edition: 01/12/2013 @ 13:59:39
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Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983-1987)
Published 29/11/2013 @ 18:51:16, By HunterMan
Okay...maybe I didn't make it very clear. I would like the above picture of Scarecrow's Porsche to be the "main" pic for it...instead of the current one. I've provided both--so it's not like you're taking someone else's original pic and replacing it. Thanks!
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Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983-1987)
Published 29/11/2013 @ 23:23:41, By night cub
Okay...maybe I didn't make it very clear. I would like the above picture of Scarecrow's Porsche to be the "main" pic for it...instead of the current one. I've provided both--so it's not like you're taking someone else's original pic and replacing it. Thanks!

Walter did make it the main picture. When you upload new pictures, you have to refresh your browser (F5), otherwise your computer pulls up the old picture from your cookies.
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Scarecrow and Mrs. King (1983-1987)
Published 30/11/2013 @ 07:39:59, By HunterMan

Walter did make it the main picture. When you upload new pictures, you have to refresh your browser (F5), otherwise your computer pulls up the old picture from your cookies.

Oh...okay, my bad! I didn't know that. I'm sorry! :shy: I figured once the picture was added I'd be able to immediately see it. I refreshed by browser and it is there. Thanks! :smile:
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