Cars & Movies » Help me find a movie
Help me find a movie
Published 06/09/2006 @ 21:31:56, By broomy
Hello guys and girls! my first post ever here on the forums!
Well i am looking for a movie about a guy that delivers food in the days and drifts in the nights, atleast i think it's the plot.
It's a japanese movie and he has a white car, maybe a nissan silvia, or maybe it was a AE86, not really sure but i hope you experts can help me
Well i am looking for a movie about a guy that delivers food in the days and drifts in the nights, atleast i think it's the plot.
It's a japanese movie and he has a white car, maybe a nissan silvia, or maybe it was a AE86, not really sure but i hope you experts can help me

Help me find a movie
Published 06/09/2006 @ 23:15:04, By antp
Help me find a movie
Published 07/09/2006 @ 15:42:21, By broomy
yep it was Tau man chi D, thank you !
Latest Edition: 07/09/2006 @ 15:42:36
Latest Edition: 07/09/2006 @ 15:42:36
Help me find a movie
Published 08/09/2006 @ 20:50:21, By howard
Can someone help me. I am looking for a movie. It was about a man that went to a Car Show or fair and was approached by a beautiful girl to buy a book of raffle tickets to win a sports car. He did not purchase the book of tickets but only purchased one ticket. He wond the raffle got the car (and the girl) and traveled around Europe.
Ring any bells?
Ring any bells?
Help me find a movie
Published 13/09/2006 @ 09:32:08, By gsmitty
I can't remenber the name of this movie but i want to see it again,
it came out in the 90's I think,
Agreat looking women steals a 69-70 red convertiblie chevy impala, picks up two guys for a road trip,other guy is chaseing them, not much eles of a plot,pertty lam movie except for the car
It was on one of the cable channels a while back,....Thanks for the help
it came out in the 90's I think,
Agreat looking women steals a 69-70 red convertiblie chevy impala, picks up two guys for a road trip,other guy is chaseing them, not much eles of a plot,pertty lam movie except for the car
It was on one of the cable channels a while back,....Thanks for the help
Help me find a movie
Published 03/10/2006 @ 15:53:06, By Defiant
Was that "3000 Miles to Graceland"?
Help me find a movie
Published 01/11/2006 @ 11:49:09, By gsmitty
naw was'nt that one but close, I know what the box art looks like,
It shows a red caddie goning off the road with a womens red highheel shoe on the side of the road. so far I havent seen it at blockbusters
It shows a red caddie goning off the road with a womens red highheel shoe on the side of the road. so far I havent seen it at blockbusters