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Misc » Iraqi 59 Chevy former taxi 2 pics
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Iraqi 59 Chevy former taxi 2 pics
Published 28/09/2007 @ 02:51:56, By 58_Roadmaster
I was operating communincations at LSA Diamondback aka Mosul air base, across the runway from where the dining facility was mortarred in Dec 2004 (I was out of there by April 2004). This car was parked outside the air traffic control tower, so I just had to capture it onto digital film.

Its a 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air with red-painted quarter panels such as would be used for a taxi. The stories this car could tell! I'd like to get your thoughts on it. You can see all the holes where the trim is missing, but interesting enough are the chrome pieces, which still shine bright, above the headlights. I don't know if they are original to the car, as the locals are known to make modifications, like we saw in that Cuba documentary that was posted some time ago.

There are 2 pics to send with this.
File: file_15161_ok.JPG ( 52.4 KB - 1329 )

Latest Edition: 28/09/2007 @ 02:54:49
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59 Chevy former taxi pic I took in Iraq
Published 28/09/2007 @ 02:52:57, By 58_Roadmaster
Here is the second pic
File: file_15162_ok.JPG ( 46.2 KB - 1328 )
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