General » Missing pictures in
Missing pictures in
Published 20/11/2007 @ 10:47:23, By wasserspeier
just a general question: It looks that is loosing some of my pictures. Often you see some dead links in the comments. Is imageshack reliable?
Do you have the same problems or just me?
just a general question: It looks that is loosing some of my pictures. Often you see some dead links in the comments. Is imageshack reliable?
Do you have the same problems or just me?
Missing pictures in
Published 20/11/2007 @ 11:15:54, By CarChasesFanatic
All of us have had the same problem some time but i think it is just temporally, the photos come back after a few time, about it being reliable i think it is, this of missing photos doesnt happen to often.
Latest Edition: 20/11/2007 @ 11:16:30
Latest Edition: 20/11/2007 @ 11:16:30
Missing pictures in
Published 20/11/2007 @ 11:21:13, By antp
Theorically they keep the image as long as they are accessed at least one time per year, but it still happen that images disappear...
There are two cases
- images lost
- imageshack server inaccessible
Second case happens more often. If you click on the link of the dead image and do not get imageshack homepage, it means that it is just a temporary inaccessible server, and that it will be back in next days.
But if you get a "image not found" thumbnail replacing yours, then it means that the image is lost. I backup the newly posted imageshack thumbnails+images every week, so if you notice that in one of your old comments one is gone and that you do not have it anymore, you can notify me. We can for example use this topic for that. When I have some time I reupload them from my backup.
If you have a better image host to suggest, we could use it. The major problem of imageshack is that it is quite slow, and that some people have popup ads on it. The advantage of imageshack is that I can easily backup them: by taking the thumbnail URL I can also backup the full image by removing the ".th" in the URL. This is for example impossible with Imagevenue (to just cite one other image service) so I cannot backup these posted images.
(as I do not save these images manually: I just have a script that extract URLs from the database, one with the .th and one without, and then I give this URLs list to a download program)
Latest Edition: 20/11/2007 @ 11:23:21
There are two cases
- images lost
- imageshack server inaccessible
Second case happens more often. If you click on the link of the dead image and do not get imageshack homepage, it means that it is just a temporary inaccessible server, and that it will be back in next days.
But if you get a "image not found" thumbnail replacing yours, then it means that the image is lost. I backup the newly posted imageshack thumbnails+images every week, so if you notice that in one of your old comments one is gone and that you do not have it anymore, you can notify me. We can for example use this topic for that. When I have some time I reupload them from my backup.
If you have a better image host to suggest, we could use it. The major problem of imageshack is that it is quite slow, and that some people have popup ads on it. The advantage of imageshack is that I can easily backup them: by taking the thumbnail URL I can also backup the full image by removing the ".th" in the URL. This is for example impossible with Imagevenue (to just cite one other image service) so I cannot backup these posted images.
(as I do not save these images manually: I just have a script that extract URLs from the database, one with the .th and one without, and then I give this URLs list to a download program)
Latest Edition: 20/11/2007 @ 11:23:21
Missing pictures in
Published 05/12/2007 @ 11:33:52, By DIEHARD
Missing pictures in
Published 05/12/2007 @ 14:48:26, By antp
my car wall
Well it seems that it is just the images on server img500 which disappeared, they may come back soon

Missing pictures in
Published 05/04/2008 @ 22:05:23, By Leoz
It happened with a car I tok a snap of. Just upload the image again and paste the link.
Missing pictures in
Published 05/04/2008 @ 23:46:12, By antp
But when lots of these disappear, it is a little more work than "just" upload the image again
(as I have to first find the pics again)

Missing pictures in
Published 06/04/2008 @ 18:08:47, By Leoz
That's easy, just keep all your pics in named folders and browse to upload. It's what I do.
Missing pictures in
Published 06/04/2008 @ 19:37:14, By antp
First, how do you find the missing ones? There are hundreds of thousands of imageshack pics posted on the site, you can't just browse a page to see which ones are missing.
Then, you have to find the pic in the "folder with all the pics". IMCDB consists in more than "few pics".
There are about 1500 pics posted on Imageshack PER WEEK.
So in my backup disk there are few hundred of thousands of these.
Then find which one is the missing one, replace the code, etc.
For one pic it is quick, but if you have hundreds to replace it takes few hours.
Latest Edition: 06/04/2008 @ 19:37:44
Then, you have to find the pic in the "folder with all the pics". IMCDB consists in more than "few pics".
There are about 1500 pics posted on Imageshack PER WEEK.
So in my backup disk there are few hundred of thousands of these.
Then find which one is the missing one, replace the code, etc.
For one pic it is quick, but if you have hundreds to replace it takes few hours.
Latest Edition: 06/04/2008 @ 19:37:44
Missing pictures in
Published 06/04/2008 @ 21:06:07, By Leoz
No, I meant save images in folders on YOUR computer, go to Imageshack, browse for it on your machine then upload it.
Latest Edition: 06/04/2008 @ 21:07:03

Latest Edition: 06/04/2008 @ 21:07:03
Missing pictures in
Published 06/04/2008 @ 21:09:12, By antp

Missing pictures in
Published 06/04/2008 @ 21:28:11, By Leoz
Sorry, I meant uploading broken pics that you posted in the first place. Like what I said when I posted an image and it went blank some time later. I just uploaded it again from my files.