Cars & Movies » I need some help with these pics...
I need some help with these pics...
Published 15/01/2008 @ 00:43:43, By FilmFan
... and I thought maybe you guys could help me !
Hi everybody ! I'm FilmFan, I'm from France and I was wondering if any of you would be able to identify these cars or the movie the pics are taken from :
I dont know which movie it could be. I think it's from a 70's film.
If you can tell me what film it is taken from, I suppose that means you're some kind of God, and I'll be eternally grateful to you.
Thanks in advance !
Hi everybody ! I'm FilmFan, I'm from France and I was wondering if any of you would be able to identify these cars or the movie the pics are taken from :

I dont know which movie it could be. I think it's from a 70's film.
If you can tell me what film it is taken from, I suppose that means you're some kind of God, and I'll be eternally grateful to you.
Thanks in advance !
I need some help with these pics...
Published 15/01/2008 @ 01:02:33, By CarChasesFanatic
The first one seems to be a Dodge Omni/Plymouth Horizon i dont know whats the difference between them both, adn the above one is a seventies Cadillac Seville, if you knew where the captures are from you could post them on the website

I need some help with these pics...
Published 15/01/2008 @ 09:55:07, By antp
I would have said early 80s for the Cadillac. And as the Horizon was launched in 1978, the movie is maybe rather from early 80s?
Latest Edition: 15/01/2008 @ 09:55:32
Latest Edition: 15/01/2008 @ 09:55:32
I need some help with these pics...
Published 15/01/2008 @ 15:25:42, By G-MANN
Now you know what the cars are you can search though the ones listed on this site