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[done] Superman IV; Cadillac unknown
Published 27/06/2008 @ 02:19:49, By BlackIce_GTS
I kept thinking about this car, but no one's added it yet, so I went looking myself.

These are not my capures (I don't have any way to do that), I found them on this page, which has a full description of the scene for anyone interested. They're not very good images, but they're the best I could find (well, the only ones, actually).
The page says it's a Cadillac, but I can't tell.
Seems like it's a three star car, it's got a much bigger role then a lot of two star cars I've seen.

Latest Edition: 03/07/2008 @ 17:41:44
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Superman IV; Cadillac unknown
Published 27/06/2008 @ 11:09:27, By SPcamert
The car looks to me like a 1976 Caddy. My guess would be something a bit like this 1976 Cadillac Eldorado.
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Superman IV; Cadillac unknown
Published 03/07/2008 @ 17:41:01, By Wampa-One
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