General » A new idea for the site
A new idea for the site
Published 28/07/2008 @ 21:45:56, By G-MANN
I think it would be a nice idea to display a still (like this:
) of the title screen at the top of the film page, like IGCD does with the box covers of video games. Although I don't think it's good idea to display them in the "last completed pages" section. Also I think we should make the size of the title stills a bit bigger than normal imageshack thumbnail size (say, twice as many pixels high).

A new idea for the site
Published 28/07/2008 @ 21:48:09, By antp
It could look good, but on the other hand these title do not add much. Unlike movie posters they do not show much more than just a text.
Latest Edition: 28/07/2008 @ 21:48:26
Latest Edition: 28/07/2008 @ 21:48:26
A new idea for the site
Published 28/07/2008 @ 21:55:22, By G-MANN
I know what you mean, it depends on the film, some films' opening titles are just white lettering on a black background, but others are nicer to look at. I think it could brighten up the site a little. I think it would look better if the image was larger than the tiny thumbnail size. Only thing is I think we should stick with the original language version of each film rather than French or German translation of a Hollywood film.
Latest Edition: 28/07/2008 @ 21:56:03
Latest Edition: 28/07/2008 @ 21:56:03
A new idea for the site
Published 28/07/2008 @ 22:00:21, By antp
There are already lots of things shown above the first row of vehicle pictures, adding

A new idea for the site
Published 28/07/2008 @ 22:06:12, By G-MANN
I was thinking we could use a similar layout to what IGCD uses.
A new idea for the site
Published 30/07/2008 @ 20:08:14, By G-MANN
Is this it? Is this discussion over? I hate it when my ideas get shot down so quickly.
A new idea for the site
Published 30/07/2008 @ 20:10:48, By antp
Well I am not especially for that idea, and as nobody else comments it...

A new idea for the site
Published 30/07/2008 @ 20:27:22, By taxiguy
Well, I think it's an ok idea, however I think movie posters would be better than the title shot because often times they show more insight into the movie. Finding them online however, especially for some of the obscere ones, could prove to be difficult...

A new idea for the site
Published 30/07/2008 @ 22:28:07, By antp
There may be some copyright issues with posters. Much more than with movie captures.
A new idea for the site
Published 31/07/2008 @ 11:46:16, By Leoz
Movie posters? maybe DvD/Vhs covers will be OK. But really, I think it's just best to post the main on-screen title of the film in the comments like what I do.
A new idea for the site
Published 31/07/2008 @ 14:58:08, By antp
Movie posters and DVD covers are complete artworks and protected by copyrights.
Images of cars taken from a movie fall under the US "fair use" which allows to reproduce partial content for some purposes.
Images of cars taken from a movie fall under the US "fair use" which allows to reproduce partial content for some purposes.
A new idea for the site
Published 31/07/2008 @ 15:29:41, By Neon
I do not think is a good idea, because for a lot of movies, the title change in every country, and I do not know because we (italian, french, spanish etc.) have to see only the original poster in english or only the original title...
Or all the posters or nothing.
Or all the posters or nothing.

A new idea for the site
Published 31/07/2008 @ 16:28:36, By walter.
I personally think that this site is already complete divinely

A new idea for the site
Published 31/07/2008 @ 19:39:01, By Leoz
Yeah, besides many foriegn films or TV shows are little-known and do not come out on DvD or have a promotional poster. The title at the head of the movie comments with some additional pics of cars/vehicles, famous scenes or actors is good enough for me!

A new idea for the site
Published 31/07/2008 @ 19:45:47, By G-MANN
To Neon, I think we should stick with the original title for the film, depending on the country it's from, not foreign translations.
Some members have already added thumbnails of the films' title screens in the comments, all I'm talking about is having that at the top of the page, like IGCD does, but not the movie poster.
Latest Edition: 31/07/2008 @ 19:47:04
Some members have already added thumbnails of the films' title screens in the comments, all I'm talking about is having that at the top of the page, like IGCD does, but not the movie poster.
Latest Edition: 31/07/2008 @ 19:47:04
A new idea for the site
Published 31/07/2008 @ 20:16:27, By antp
I agree with adding thumbnails of movie titles (why not in several languages) but I still prefer to have them in 1st comment.
Increasing the "header" was already criticized when I added alternative titles, this would be worse.
Though that we could put the image at the side of the alternative titles. But those who do not have a 19" monitor may not have enough space to fit all that horizontally.
Latest Edition: 31/07/2008 @ 20:17:21
Increasing the "header" was already criticized when I added alternative titles, this would be worse.
Though that we could put the image at the side of the alternative titles. But those who do not have a 19" monitor may not have enough space to fit all that horizontally.
Latest Edition: 31/07/2008 @ 20:17:21
A new idea for the site
Published 02/08/2008 @ 11:59:08, By Alexander
A nice idea in principle. I would agree with Antoine to add captures of the title in the first comment ... other ideas would mean a re-design and possibly using Flash elements for dynamic sizes.
One problem will be the availability of the original titles. Most of the DVDs I own I bought in Germany and almost all of these show only the translated German title, not the original. Also some of the very old or B-movie films have different titles for the DVD/VHS release.
It might be a nice idea to reserve the first comment for the contributor. By that means one has not to hurry to place the first comment (or post a '.' as some members do).
One problem will be the availability of the original titles. Most of the DVDs I own I bought in Germany and almost all of these show only the translated German title, not the original. Also some of the very old or B-movie films have different titles for the DVD/VHS release.
It might be a nice idea to reserve the first comment for the contributor. By that means one has not to hurry to place the first comment (or post a '.' as some members do).
A new idea for the site
Published 02/08/2008 @ 15:37:54, By antp
We can have multiple title images in 1st comment.
Your comment about reserving the first comment makes me think to something: maybe I should add a special "empty" comment automatically on each movie and vehicle page for additional pictures or info which are important and should be shown above the "discussion" ?
Note that it is still possible to move a comment to the top (only me can do it, it is a special page for that), but it would be easier if any admin could use that special "top" comment. Only problem is for backup of thumbnails: I only backup those posted in new comments, not those added in old comments.
Latest Edition: 02/08/2008 @ 15:38:54
Your comment about reserving the first comment makes me think to something: maybe I should add a special "empty" comment automatically on each movie and vehicle page for additional pictures or info which are important and should be shown above the "discussion" ?
Note that it is still possible to move a comment to the top (only me can do it, it is a special page for that), but it would be easier if any admin could use that special "top" comment. Only problem is for backup of thumbnails: I only backup those posted in new comments, not those added in old comments.
Latest Edition: 02/08/2008 @ 15:38:54
A new idea for the site
Published 04/08/2008 @ 02:42:42, By Neon
To Neon, I think we should stick with the original title for the film, depending on the country it's from, not foreign translations.
Yes, but if I see (for example) Enchanted, in Italy it's called "Come d'incanto" and how can I do a capture of the original title if it is translated?
A new idea for the site
Published 08/08/2008 @ 15:54:14, By G-MANN
Your comment about reserving the first comment makes me think to something: maybe I should add a special "empty" comment automatically on each movie and vehicle page for additional pictures or info which are important and should be shown above the "discussion" ?
Note that it is still possible to move a comment to the top (only me can do it, it is a special page for that), but it would be easier if any admin could use that special "top" comment. Only problem is for backup of thumbnails: I only backup those posted in new comments, not those added in old comments.
Note that it is still possible to move a comment to the top (only me can do it, it is a special page for that), but it would be easier if any admin could use that special "top" comment. Only problem is for backup of thumbnails: I only backup those posted in new comments, not those added in old comments.
It would be good if us admins were able to do that because when I did Goldfinger and Goldeneye, I wanted to add some thumbnail images at the top of the comments so people would be more likely to see them (as the pages had been had a long time people had already added a number of comments), in the end I just edited the first person's comment to include my thumbnails (I didn't delete anything important they had said).
Latest Edition: 08/08/2008 @ 15:55:03