Cars & Movies » A question for my European friends...
A question for my European friends...
Published 25/02/2009 @ 03:05:32, By JeepLibertyMan03
Something is driving me crazy, and I need answers. I recently watched the Top Gear episode where the guys modify a Renault Avantime. I am a transportation design major and I love the Avantime's design. My question is did Renault make a 5-door version of the car? In the movie Children of Men, there is clearly a 5-door Avantime, but I cannot find any pics on Google. Someone please help me out, and maybe link me to some pics. I love the car's styling; I feel like it is a hallmark in modern car design.
A question for my European friends...
Published 25/02/2009 @ 03:26:25, By atom
I guess you have seen these?
A question for my European friends...
Published 25/02/2009 @ 04:15:39, By JeepLibertyMan03
I have, and even though that car is in bad shape, it is still beautiful. The design is just better with 4 side doors. But I can't find any real cars...
A question for my European friends...
Published 25/02/2009 @ 10:10:36, By antp
As I commented on there were no 4-door version, they modified it just for the movie

A question for my European friends...
Published 25/02/2009 @ 17:13:15, By JeepLibertyMan03
I was thinking that was probably the sucks though. I love European cars, ESPECIALLY the ones that aren't imported to the US. Anyway, thanks for answering my question!