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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:02:23, By robikumpel
Hello everybody!
I watched the bond movies "For Your Eyes only"; "A View To A Kill"; "Octopussy"; "The World is not enough" ; "you only live twice" and "The living daylights", and I found some more or less interesting cars:

This Austin Mini was visible during the ski-bike-chase in FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. The scene was set in Cortina, Italy, so I think it was built for the european market (left-hand-drive).
File: austin mini.JPG ( 35.3 KB - 942 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:04:11
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:07:24, By robikumpel
And hereĀ“s a Land Rover Range Rover Series I, also made for the european market, because this is in Cortina, too.
File: land rover range rover.JPG ( 42.0 KB - 882 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:07:43
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:09:15, By robikumpel
This is a 1964+ Ford Mustang, built for the japanese market. It is visible during the chase in YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE.
File: ford mustang 1964.JPG ( 44.8 KB - 909 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:09:30
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:10:54, By robikumpel
In A VIEW TO A KILL I found this BMW 3 [E21]...
File: bmw 3er.JPG ( 36.6 KB - 922 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:11:09
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:12:18, By robikumpel
...and this Renault 14.
File: renault 14.JPG ( 49.1 KB - 905 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:12:35
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:13:27, By robikumpel
I also found some cars in OCTOPUSSY:
On this picture are three Chevrolet:
El Camino
File: chevrolet el camino.JPG ( 52.0 KB - 886 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:14:23
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:15:38, By robikumpel
right-hand-drive Ford Capri
File: Ford Capri.JPG ( 53.0 KB - 866 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:15:55
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:17:35, By robikumpel
Ford Mustang (maybe right-hand-drive, too) in London, very small on the left side.
File: ford mustang.JPG ( 52.6 KB - 776 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:17:51
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:18:52, By robikumpel
File: opel kadett.JPG ( 33.8 KB - 762 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:19:10
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:20:15, By robikumpel
File: opel ascona.JPG ( 39.6 KB - 722 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:20:30
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:21:25, By robikumpel
... And a Ford Transit...
File: ford transit.JPG ( 25.7 KB - 721 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:21:40
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 31/05/2009 @ 23:22:33, By robikumpel well as a Ford Explorer.
File: ford explorer.JPG ( 50.0 KB - 713 )

Latest Edition: 31/05/2009 @ 23:22:49
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 01/06/2009 @ 00:10:16, By ingo
Eeh, I cannot the a Transit on that pic, only partly a Vauxhall Vectra A and an Omega B.

The Mini maybe an Italian made Innocenti-version.

I'm not sure, if the US car on the scene in London is really a Mustang.

Are you sure about the Kadett C? I have the impression, that it's rather a Skoda 105.
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 01/06/2009 @ 00:20:05, By Gag Halfrunt
The van on the right is definitely a Transit mark five.
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 01/06/2009 @ 00:27:30, By antp
If the purpose of this topic was providing cars to be added to the site, it should rather have been made in the "Contributions" section :wink: Shall I move the topic to there?
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 01/06/2009 @ 00:32:46, By G-MANN
I've got all the DVDs anyway, which I'm pretty sure will provide better images than these (the entire series is now on Blu-Ray anyway, so someone could get even better images off them), but I don't think they're all worth listing, the Explorer from TWINE maybe, but not the Transit.

Latest Edition: 01/06/2009 @ 00:33:51
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 01/06/2009 @ 09:45:04, By antp
Sure, not all are worth listing, but at least some are I think.
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some new cars for 007-movies
Published 10/06/2009 @ 18:46:06, By G-MANN
I listed the Explorer in The World Is Not Enough, but as for the others:

Renault 14 Police car in A View to a Kill: Can already be seen in the entry for the police van, is it worth listing?
BMW 3 in A View to a Kill: Appears on screen for about half a second, not sure if it's worth listing. See thumbnail below.
Ford Mustang in Octopussy: Too small and not noticeable enough to be listed.
Ford Capri in Octopussy: Only visible a fraction of a second, and probably wasn't a rare car at the time. Not worth listing in my opinion.
Chevy Caprice/Chevy El Camino in Octopussy: Possibly worth listing but I ignored it when I was doing the film because Caprice was a very common car in the 80s (in the USA anyway). See thumbnail below.
Grey Opel Ascona (I think it's really a Mk3 Escort) in The World Is Not Enough: You must be joking :tongue: Hardly anyone would notice it in the film, it's passing by as Pierce Brosnan crosses the road, side of the car is visible for a fraction of a second.
Ford Transit in The World Is Not Enough: Already visible in the entry for the Vauxhall Omega police car and extremely common in the UK, so no listing for this.
Mini in For Your Eyes Only: Appears only very briefly as the camera pans past it. But the Citroen CX gets the same amount of screen time and that's already listed (not by my choice though). See thumbnail below.

The rest of the vehicles, I'm not sure about, here's the thumbnails for them and I'll let others decide:

They're all taken from my DVDs. Robi's captures may be larger but they are much lower resolution (probably expanded from a non-DVD source), so we should use mine instead. Perhaps one day someone will come along with the Blu-Rays and give us captures from them. To be honest Robi, I think we've got all the vehicles worth listing in the Bond films already listed.

Latest Edition: 10/06/2009 @ 19:46:34
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