General » Where can I find more smileys?
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 09/07/2009 @ 20:17:22, By G-MANN
On the main site, sometimes it would be nice to have more choice of smileys. Ben68 has a few more on his profile page, but can anyone give some links to sites where I can quickly find some free smileys (I'm not paying) which will work on this site. One smiley I'd particularly like is something looks like an evil/devilish grin.
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 09/07/2009 @ 20:34:30, By CarChasesFanatic
I feel the same, but it's odd that you want more since you are against them enough

Where can I find more smileys?
Published 09/07/2009 @ 20:36:35, By antp
There are lots on the forum but as most of the smiley codes are usernames of people of another forum (where there was 1 smiley / user) it is not always easy to find them.
Anyway, for most of the smileys of the forum you can put their code between [: and ] , e.g. [: 666] without space gives
Latest Edition: 09/07/2009 @ 20:37:05
Anyway, for most of the smileys of the forum you can put their code between [: and ] , e.g. [: 666] without space gives

Latest Edition: 09/07/2009 @ 20:37:05
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 09/07/2009 @ 20:37:42, By CarChasesFanatic
Yes but finding the one you want exactly on the forum is annoyingly difficult, most of them are just too big and don't express anything useful.
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 09/07/2009 @ 20:42:10, By G-MANN
It's nice to have one for the right occaision, I just got tired of seeing the winking and smiley face emiticons being used all the time.
There are a lot of smileys on the forum to look through, I guess I'll have to choose a few and make a note of the codes. Thanks for showing me the devil smiley again, Antoine.
There are a lot of smileys on the forum to look through, I guess I'll have to choose a few and make a note of the codes. Thanks for showing me the devil smiley again, Antoine.
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 09/07/2009 @ 21:17:41, By antp
If there are smilies that you find useful and that you or others often use, just ask and I add them on the site, like I added the ":beer:" smiley for example.
As long as there are not hundreds of smileys, it is not a problem.
As long as there are not hundreds of smileys, it is not a problem.
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 12/09/2010 @ 04:19:39, By rjluna2
I don't know if you can add a couple of smiley in the this database. Here is couple I frequently used in this site from another site. I use the big grin smiley and embarrassed smiley. What are the legal aspect about "copying" the smiley to this site? Thanks

Where can I find more smileys?
Published 12/09/2010 @ 09:12:18, By antp
They are from phpbb so you would have to check phpbb's licence for that, I suppose. The 1st one is very similar to "
" (and shares the same code, if I am right?)

Where can I find more smileys?
Published 12/09/2010 @ 18:01:25, By chicomarx

It would be useful to copy a few more smileys in your "list of available smileys". There's not much choice.
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 13/09/2010 @ 01:43:19, By rjluna2
The original site I used for big grin is ":-D" and the embarrassed smiley is ":oops:"
Latest Edition: 13/09/2010 @ 01:44:28
Latest Edition: 13/09/2010 @ 01:44:28
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 13/09/2010 @ 17:18:09, By ingo
I would like to have the rolling eyes at the database (
), also that one:

Where can I find more smileys?
Published 13/09/2010 @ 20:19:07, By chris40
I'd like
... I like to admit it when I get it wrong!

Where can I find more smileys?
Published 14/09/2010 @ 00:50:20, By antp
indeed that one could be useful
I do not like the "oops" smiley due to its phpbb-style, and I find these phpbb icons ugly. I should try to find one with a style simimar to the icons currently used on the site.
@ingo > these icons tend to be aggressive... I am not sure it is good to have these easily usable.

I do not like the "oops" smiley due to its phpbb-style, and I find these phpbb icons ugly. I should try to find one with a style simimar to the icons currently used on the site.
@ingo > these icons tend to be aggressive... I am not sure it is good to have these easily usable.
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 14/09/2010 @ 08:31:37, By RockRacer
I have put together a list of websites where I have found an extensive list of free smileys for my sites.
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 19/10/2010 @ 06:12:32, By owlman
Can you add a smiley shortuct for the star for vehicle ratings?
Then if I wanted to list a star rating in the comments I wouldn't have to copy the path to the star gif or say
"1-star in ep 2.03: (screenshot)"
I could just type:
":star: in ep 2.03: (screenshot)"
Then if I wanted to list a star rating in the comments I wouldn't have to copy the path to the star gif or say
"1-star in ep 2.03: (screenshot)"
I could just type:
":star: in ep 2.03: (screenshot)"
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 19/10/2010 @ 10:31:17, By antp
There is one (ok, not written anywhere, but you see it if you quote a comment with one in it), just put [*] and it will appear as a star (so you can type [*][*] for 2-star, etc.)
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 19/10/2010 @ 15:33:39, By owlman
Ah! Thanks for the info

Where can I find more smileys?
Published 07/12/2010 @ 21:50:54, By G-MANN
Thanks for listing those websites, Rockracer! The smiley site I used to use for extra smiley doesn't seem to work anymore.
Where can I find more smileys?
Published 10/12/2010 @ 08:17:03, By RockRacer
Thanks for listing those websites, Rockracer! The smiley site I used to use for extra smiley doesn't seem to work anymore.
Sure thing man. I hope they help.