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[N/A] Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:22:30, By robikumpel
Hey there, here are some cars from the seasons 13 and 14 of alarm für cobra 11... would be nice if someone would add them... :clindoeil:

The first one is in Episode 13.01:
Ford Mondeo Turnier, one star [*]

I´m looking forward to find new cars in seasons 15 and 16 now...
File: 1 ford mondeo turnier.JPG ( 21.4 KB - 2841 )

Latest Edition: 02/12/2009 @ 13:18:02
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:23:48, By robikumpel
The second is a Mitsubishi L200, also 13.01, also one star [*]
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:24:57, By robikumpel
A Toyota Avensis Policecar in 13.02: Three Stars...
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:27:30, By robikumpel
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:28:34, By robikumpel
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:29:15, By robikumpel
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:30:04, By robikumpel
Skoda Felicia Pickup in 14.07: Two Stars.
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:31:00, By robikumpel
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:31:50, By robikumpel
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 18/07/2009 @ 12:32:34, By robikumpel
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 21/07/2009 @ 12:41:47, By vilero
I think you must ask before to Neon if he is working or not in these seasons.

anyway, I let Neon handle this, as he was adding pictures for this series since long time now.
(and after that, maybe clean comments here...)

Latest Edition: 21/07/2009 @ 13:24:32
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 21/07/2009 @ 20:25:18, By vilero
Sorry Robi. Neon is working in this TV series not only in seasons 13&14 but as well in all next seasons. He has got all the pics. So I ask you please stop for a while posting this TV Series.

Usually when a user begins a TV series he continues working on it and, in this case, Neon is working Alarm für Cobra 11 from the beginning.

If other user wants submit pictures of the same Series, he could send a private message to the principals providers of the Series or write a comment in the site. If other previous providers answer that he(they) are working on it, it's a courtesy rule to leave them in their work.

Anyway the post can be here and after Neon upload his pics, maybe some of yours can be useful.


Latest Edition: 21/07/2009 @ 20:52:14
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 22/07/2009 @ 11:17:49, By robikumpel
Oh sorry, I hope I didn´t disturbed Neon by his work.

I didn´t really saw the comment xD

Well have a nice summer everybody :smile:
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Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 22/07/2009 @ 12:22:09, By vilero
Oh sorry, I hope I didn´t disturbed Neon by his work.

I think so also.
Sometimes it happens but also (if you write a pm. to the principals providers or if you write a comment in the TV Series saying you want work in xxx season) they can answer that in that moment they are too busy and you can go for it.

Anyway, usually an user who begins posting a TV Series he continues working several seasons.

You'll always find work to do in 'new movies' or in 'new' TV series that aren't already listed in the site.

And about the summer, also the best for you (count down for me in ONLY two days :sun: )
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[N/A] Alarm für Cobra 11 season 13/14
Published 03/05/2017 @ 09:04:18, By sascorp

I think so also.
Sometimes it happens but also (if you write a pm. to the principals providers or if you write a comment in the TV Series saying you want work in xxx season) they can answer that in that moment they are too busy and you can go for it.

Anyway, usually an user who begins posting a TV Series he continues working several seasons.

You'll always find work to do in 'new movies' or in 'new' TV series that aren't already listed in the site.

And about the summer, also the best for you (count down for me in ONLY two days :sun: )
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