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[Done] NCIS car #5
Published 13/08/2009 @ 17:20:12, By Venomous Mink
Abby's '31 Ford Coupe hot rod.
By the way, is there a way to upload more than one picture on one post?
File: Abby's car.jpeg ( 25.6 KB - 500 )

Latest Edition: 20/08/2009 @ 12:37:33
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NCIS car #5
Published 13/08/2009 @ 20:06:44, By vilero
if you see any other post you'll see others users can submit several pictures in only one post. I don't know how you do it but don't click "SEND" before you have uploaded all the pics you want submit.

I think the easy way for this is using ImageShack, upload your pic (please no more than 720X...) and later copy and paste "Thumbnail for forums (1)" and later "Upload another image."

By the way, it would be useful if you can add in TV series Season and Episode when the vehicle was seen and the stars (role) of it.

Latest Edition: 13/08/2009 @ 20:09:21
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[Done] NCIS car #5
Published 20/08/2009 @ 12:38:10, By vilero
Please next time, season, episode and stars
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