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[N/A] B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 07/09/2009 @ 20:46:53, By 4x4_23
here are some of the B.J.and the bear Rigs

here's one the original truck this rig is the 1977 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne
File: n606340667_1849820_1061.jpg ( 46.2 KB - 23571 )

Latest Edition: 23/09/2009 @ 11:25:36
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 07/09/2009 @ 20:49:22, By 4x4_23
here are some of the B.J.and the bear Rigs

here's one the original truck this rig is the 1977 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne

here's another one of the original truck this rig is the 1978 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne, those 2 photo's were during the filming of Run for the Money III
File: n606340667_1849819_898.jpg ( 20.8 KB - 20472 )

Latest Edition: 08/09/2009 @ 01:42:56
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 08/09/2009 @ 01:57:01, By 4x4_23

here's another one of the original truck this rig is the 1978 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne, those 2 photo's were during the filming of Run for the Money III

and know here's photo's of both rigs still surviving today

the 2 following photo's are of the 1977 Kenworth
File: BJ32.jpg ( 20.8 KB - 16511 )
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 08/09/2009 @ 01:57:56, By 4x4_23

and know here's photo's of both rigs still surviving today

the 2 following photo's are of the 1977 Kenworth

and another photo of the 1977 Kenworth
File: BJ31.jpg ( 18.3 KB - 16172 )
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 08/09/2009 @ 01:59:29, By 4x4_23

and another photo of the 1977 Kenworth

the next 2 following photo's are of the 1978 Kenworth
File: BJ28.jpg ( 16.0 KB - 18203 )
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 08/09/2009 @ 02:00:37, By 4x4_23

the next 2 following photo's are of the 1978 Kenworth

here's another photo of the 1978 Kenworth
File: BJ29.jpg ( 16.2 KB - 16016 )
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 08/09/2009 @ 02:05:25, By 4x4_23

here's another photo of the 1978 Kenworth

the original Rig was a 1976 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne

but the 76 is just an original Rig cause it was the first truck bought for the series it wasn't a true original truck like the 77 & 78 them trucks were in every season the 77 & 78 KW's were also bought brand new for the series all the other ones were bought used
File: bj-bear.jpg ( 12.4 KB - 12349 )

Latest Edition: 08/09/2009 @ 02:08:56
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 08/09/2009 @ 02:07:14, By 4x4_23

the original Rig was a 1976 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne

but the 76 is just an original Rig cause it was the first truck bought for the series it wasn't a true original truck like the 77 & 78 them trucks were in every season

and here's a surviving photo of the 76 Kenworth it since this photo has been sold to some one in Australia
File: chapparal_lebanon_in.jpg ( 61.8 KB - 18130 )
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 21/09/2009 @ 12:46:53, By vilero
Which pics really come from the TV series? If all come from the set you can add them in comments.
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 23/09/2009 @ 03:07:49, By 4x4_ 23
Which pics really come from the TV series? If all come from the set you can add them in comments.

Yes, they are all Photo's I would like someone to add under the Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne for

little clip images or what ever you guy's call them I don't know how to do that I always to do it for me, I see you got confused on Movin' On and used the survivng photo's the trucks for the big pictures, that okay with althoug the 2 top photo's are 2 Survivng Rigs

Latest Edition: 23/09/2009 @ 03:18:33
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 23/09/2009 @ 03:20:24, By 4x4_ 23

Yes, they are all Photo's I would like someone to add under the Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne for

little clip images or what ever you guy's call them I don't know how to do that I always to do it for me, I see you got confused on Movin' On and used the survivng photo's the trucks for the big pictures, that okay with althoug the 2 top photo's are 2 Survivng Rigs

Although the Top photo if you want can be replaced with this Surviving 1977 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne Photo
File: n606340667_1849820_1061.jpg ( 46.2 KB - 4173 )
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 23/09/2009 @ 03:22:10, By 4x4_ 23

Although the Top photo if you want can be replaced with this Surviving 1977 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne Photo

And we can make a new page for this Surviving 1978 Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne, if you want
File: n606340667_1849819_898.jpg ( 20.8 KB - 4109 )
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 23/09/2009 @ 11:13:10, By vilero
I meant if all your pics in this post really were seen in the TV Series or, in the contrary, come from the set, that is, if they come from "after cameras".

Good or bad pics, only the "really seen on the television set" can go as main pic and get its own page.

If what you want is add some of your pics in comments as simple thumbnails, for that you can use

1.- Browse (choose pic), 2.- start upload and 3.- copy and paste in "Add a comment" (white space at the bottom in every page of IMCDB) the BBcode you'll see in Thumbnail for forums (1) (when the pic is already uploaded in ImageSchack)

Also you can use
Choose you pic, upload, and finally copy and paste "BBCode, för forum:"

Finally click (in the page of IMCDB) "post your comment"

If in the beggining you don't do well that, you can also delete your own comment (with or without pic) and try again in a better way.

I hope you'll understand what I mean in my poor english

Latest Edition: 23/09/2009 @ 11:13:51
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B.J. and the Bear (1979-1981)
Published 23/09/2009 @ 11:21:38, By vilero

Yes, they are all Photo's I would like someone to add under the Kenworth K-100 Aerodyne for


In this case, you can do it by yourself if you do what I said above
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