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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 19/09/2010 @ 03:29:47, By pepeluis
Hello, :smile:

Some expert on American cars of the 50's knows that car is driving James Dean in this picture?

Maybe someone knows the dashboard model and year car

File: j_d.jpg ( 40.7 KB - 16563 )

Latest Edition: 19/09/2010 @ 03:30:52
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 19/09/2010 @ 12:54:09, By atom
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 05/10/2010 @ 00:33:18, By pepeluis
Thanks, atom.

The car is in the background is more difficult to find.
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 18/10/2010 @ 04:21:20, By medic201
Yes a 1955 Chevrolet. James Dean died just before the 1956 Chevrolet was released. The background car looks like a 1949 to 1952 Dodge.
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 19/10/2010 @ 06:29:47, By pepeluis
Thanks, medic201

One question I have is:

If James Dean died in 1955(September 30), as it is possible that in his last movie (Giant), displayed a 1956 Lincoln?(The scene at the airport(Carrol Baker)).

Some cars of 1956 were published before his death?Do not know which month are released new models.


Latest Edition: 19/10/2010 @ 06:32:07
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 19/10/2010 @ 06:54:29, By medic201
General Motors always tried to release the new models on October 15th. Im not sure about any other companies. Naturaly production delays, assembly problems and marketing strategy could change the date.
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 19/10/2010 @ 07:06:11, By medic201
The 1956 Lincoln was delivered to dealers on July 25 1955 per Hemmings Motor News.
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 19/10/2010 @ 14:15:22, By pepeluis
Thanks, medic201

The date is perhaps somewhat early, but their reasons would have ...
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 02/08/2012 @ 00:20:27, By drackula1985
Thanks, atom.

The car is in the background is more difficult to find.

Are you kidding me?

You can see from 100 miles away it is a Chevrolet

Chevrolet 210 to be exact from 1955.
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 05/08/2012 @ 16:48:21, By 93_Montero
You're so sure of yourself drackula. I have doubts about your ID.
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James Dean car driving. Model?
Published 11/09/2012 @ 21:32:24, By Skywatcher68
You're so sure of yourself drackula. I have doubts about your ID.

No way the car in the background is newer than '54.

Large back glass, trim running pretty much the length of the side, prominent bumper guards, protruding fenders ... I say it's a '54 Ford of some sort. With a Continental kit and skirts.

Latest Edition: 11/09/2012 @ 21:55:15
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