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Cars spotted for sale
Published 14/11/2010 @ 00:19:20, By chicomarx
May be interesting to start a topic of oldtimer ads.
I thought this 1984 Renault Fuego looks like a nice opportunity:
I thought this 1984 Renault Fuego looks like a nice opportunity:
Cars spotted for sale
Published 14/11/2010 @ 18:57:58, By Neptune
I spotted this retired surplus military 1984 Chevrolet CUCV M-1008 at a local car lot, a while back. I wanted it really bad, but I didn’t have the extra cash to get it.
Its military markings were sloppily painted over with black paint. Though some numbers were still partially visible.
Official GM advertisement for the CUCV ...
Latest Edition: 14/11/2010 @ 19:29:17
Its military markings were sloppily painted over with black paint. Though some numbers were still partially visible.

Official GM advertisement for the CUCV ...

Latest Edition: 14/11/2010 @ 19:29:17
Cars spotted for sale
Published 05/12/2010 @ 12:38:10, By ingo
Thanks for the tip
I've heard indeed something from this car before. I think, some of my Dutch friends are knowing car and owner.
It's not very original any more. It shall be a 1974 LS, but it has the only-1972-front (but with 1973+ front lamps), where there was no LS-engine (1.8 liter, 100 hp). And the colour is not original either.
If it's running and with APK (the Dutch technical test, like the TÜV in Germany), for this price it maybe a good car for driving around all-day, but to bring it in the perfect show-room-condition, would cost too much work and money. We K 70-freaks are quite strong originalo-fetishists

I've heard indeed something from this car before. I think, some of my Dutch friends are knowing car and owner.
It's not very original any more. It shall be a 1974 LS, but it has the only-1972-front (but with 1973+ front lamps), where there was no LS-engine (1.8 liter, 100 hp). And the colour is not original either.
If it's running and with APK (the Dutch technical test, like the TÜV in Germany), for this price it maybe a good car for driving around all-day, but to bring it in the perfect show-room-condition, would cost too much work and money. We K 70-freaks are quite strong originalo-fetishists

Cars spotted for sale
Published 05/12/2010 @ 18:15:26, By chicomarx
It's in the October issue of Auto Motor Klassiek, it's probably gone by now. The price is certainly low enough.
Handelsbenaming 481131 LS
Brandstof LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
Vervaldatum APK 10-09-2010
Datum aanvang tenaamstelling 18-08-2009
APK until September, and only registered in 2009. So the current owner didn't keep it for too long...
Handelsbenaming 481131 LS
Brandstof LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)
Vervaldatum APK 10-09-2010
Datum aanvang tenaamstelling 18-08-2009
APK until September, and only registered in 2009. So the current owner didn't keep it for too long...

Cars spotted for sale
Published 08/12/2010 @ 09:46:43, By minacars
I like very much old model cars. I think they all models are very expensive for me.
Latest Edition: 29/12/2010 @ 08:43:12
Latest Edition: 29/12/2010 @ 08:43:12
Cars spotted for sale
Published 09/12/2010 @ 19:05:26, By Sandie
Funny as we just mentioned it's cousin the Strathcaron on the main site the other day: