Cars & Movies » Need help with this movie
Need help with this movie
Published 11/05/2006 @ 07:02:12, By user-.html
I'm trying to remmeber stuff about this movie, but it's not much.
A car is kidnapping some kids (one girl gets her foot stuck in a cow grate while the car is after her.)
One of the kid's mom goes to get a kid from the car, and she chases him in a school bus, and at the end, the car drives off a cliff (into a mining hole or something) and crashes onto an explosive shack... that's all I can think of.
A car is kidnapping some kids (one girl gets her foot stuck in a cow grate while the car is after her.)
One of the kid's mom goes to get a kid from the car, and she chases him in a school bus, and at the end, the car drives off a cliff (into a mining hole or something) and crashes onto an explosive shack... that's all I can think of.
Need help with this movie
Published 03/07/2006 @ 18:36:59, By user-.html
The closest movie to that description I can think of is "The Car". But I haven't seen it in awhile so I can't be sure.
Need help with this movie
Published 25/07/2006 @ 17:38:06, By user-.html
"Wheels of Terror", 1990, Movie made for TV, directed by Christopher Cain. The Car is a 1974 Dodge Charger with a modified radiator grill.
Need help with this movie
Published 27/07/2006 @ 02:56:14, By stronghold
"Wheels of Terror", 1990, Movie made for TV, directed by Christopher Cain. The Car is a 1974 Dodge Charger with a modified radiator grill.
..yes this is correct (..I've already added this movie to the IMCDB