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[N/A] Footloose (2011)
Published 13/01/2013 @ 13:01:43, By MrScissor
There is a black Mazda RX8 found in the background of Footloose at approximately 8:00 into the film. The scene is at a car dealership and the RX8 is parked between a white sedan and a silver (or white) Mini Cooper. Attached is a screencap from my laptop. The link to this movie from IMDB is
File: rx8footloose.jpg ( 245.6 KB - 704 )

Latest Edition: 15/01/2013 @ 14:57:58
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Footloose (2011)
Published 15/01/2013 @ 14:57:10, By walter.
It's too background to be listed, and it's obstructed by the grey car next to it. It's not worth listing, I'm sorry.

Anyway, a similar picture is already listed for the Honda Civic
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[N/A] Footloose (2011)
Published 19/01/2013 @ 03:43:02, By MrScissor
"Too background"? You mean like these vehicles that have been posted under the same movie title? or ? This just seems a bit lazy...
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