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What's the name of this car?
Published 26/03/2013 @ 14:12:57, By Andre Malraux

Latest Edition: 21/04/2016 @ 16:33:38
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What's the name of this car?
Published 26/03/2013 @ 15:11:39, By kegare
It is a Chevrolet Corvair but not sure of any other details.
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What's the name of this car?
Published 26/03/2013 @ 16:45:33, By Andre Malraux

Latest Edition: 21/04/2016 @ 16:34:05
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What's the name of this car?
Published 27/11/2013 @ 11:32:05, By ingo
My Japanese friend Hiroshi has found this pic in a photo book of his father, taken around 1959/60. The plate is from the French embassy in Tokyo (the 27 one the plate). Am I right, that it's a Vauxhall?
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What's the name of this car?
Published 27/11/2013 @ 13:44:03, By kegare
It is a Morris Oxford.
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What's the name of this car?
Published 27/11/2013 @ 13:44:26, By Lateef
It's a Morris Oxford Mk.V (1959-61)
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What's the name of this car?
Published 18/12/2013 @ 11:07:55, By Voncarmel

What the name of cars please.
File: 03.jpg ( 178.4 KB - 782 )

Latest Edition: 18/12/2013 @ 11:11:14
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