Cars & Movies » Replacing of new pictures.
Replacing of new pictures.
Published 30/10/2013 @ 19:53:06, By otoyol
Hello im newbie, so a found a movie, but there is bad quality of pictures, so i want to replace them to better HD pictures, how can i do that?

Replacing of new pictures.
Published 30/10/2013 @ 20:03:10, By Sandie
Upload them here: then post the image code in a comment on the page for the vehicle in question.
Replacing of new pictures.
Published 31/10/2013 @ 00:20:28, By antp
Also, in the comment mention that it is for replacing, so admins notice more easily.
When the admin will replace the pic, he will delete your comment containing the pic: then you may still see the old pic on the page, you'll have to press F5 or click Refresh in your browser to force to update the page on your computer.
When the admin will replace the pic, he will delete your comment containing the pic: then you may still see the old pic on the page, you'll have to press F5 or click Refresh in your browser to force to update the page on your computer.
Replacing of new pictures.
Published 31/10/2013 @ 07:32:20, By otoyol
Thank you, im now uploading new pic for car in comments, in movie ''This Means War''.