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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 15/01/2024 @ 22:14:33, By night cub
Saab 900 or 9-3? IMG_0040

And what do you look for to tell the difference?

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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 15/01/2024 @ 22:23:46, By Lateef
9-3. On the 900 NG the bumpers have a small chrome strip on them. The grill is also slightly different, with the middle grill bar being thin and straight. The difference is more clear at the rear, the 9-3 has the plate between the taillights while the 900 NG has a plain panel (early) or reflective panel (later) in place, with the plate below.
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 15/01/2024 @ 22:39:02, By night cub
Thanks! Unfortunately I couldn't get a pic of the rear, and the fence blocked the license plate from all angles. I was up on the beach walk and this was the street down below, just off the beach.
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 15/01/2024 @ 23:25:24, By Lateef
It's a very nice car. I have fond memories of it, as my aunt bought one back in 1998. I believe that is the first clear memory I have of riding in a brand new car:
(that's me on the right)

Latest Edition: 15/01/2024 @ 23:32:28
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 17/01/2024 @ 16:41:44, By MisterZ
Can anyone ID the sedan in this video:
At the 00:07 mark.

See here:
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 17/01/2024 @ 17:47:17, By Lateef
86/87 Mazda 323 [BF]

Latest Edition: 17/01/2024 @ 17:48:13
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 17/01/2024 @ 20:28:14, By night cub
I think in LX trim
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 28/01/2024 @ 19:04:01, By midnight3
I like to explore on Google Street View for interesting locations and since I also like spotting rare cars it can happen as well. My rarest find to date has been a NSU Prinz in Indiana. I don't think I'll ever top that lol.

Anyone for this convertible?,-77.9530917,3a,15y,229.27h,90.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFUaDTjoNXinY2p-o72CLMw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 28/01/2024 @ 20:05:19, By 993cc
Resembles a 3rd gen. Celica but I'm not sure about that top.
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 28/01/2024 @ 21:13:01, By night cub
Definitely a Celica. And that top is not the normal top.

It does look like the style top used before Toyota officially offered a convertible by ASC. Here is a 1983 ASC conversion with that style top:

Latest Edition: 28/01/2024 @ 21:15:33
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 28/01/2024 @ 21:20:39, By Baube

i was just about to link the same car !
( but also found a different 1983 with a different top.. )
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 29/01/2024 @ 01:30:35, By night cub
That one is a 1978-1979 Chevy Malibu (panning down the street you can see the 1979 taillights). There is a another one to the right, that looks like a 1981 model.

Latest Edition: 29/01/2024 @ 01:33:38
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 01/02/2024 @ 07:00:56, By midnight3
Lastly for now I caught a glimpse of this from the front view of the house and it looked like a kit car.,-83.7676715,3a,15y,326.57h,94.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s4M8bZXNDTyP0bndLSjR3Lw!2e0- !7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 27/02/2024 @ 21:34:44, By night cub
Not a car, but I'm working on the antique fire truck show I went to last summer: IMG_2511 IMG_2512

For these, I have been relying on the show info sheet posted in the windshield, but I can't make out the one on this truck:
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 27/02/2024 @ 22:09:49, By Baube
i might have found it

I don't know if the given description fits, i know nothing about fire trucks
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 27/02/2024 @ 22:20:21, By night cub
Never heard of that brand even though we have 25 on the site. Thanks!
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 28/02/2024 @ 13:47:44, By rjluna2
Not a car, but I'm working on the antique fire truck show I went to last summer:

You have found 1981 Sutphen here :smile:
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 09/05/2024 @ 21:45:44, By night cub
Have a 30's street rod coupe with 5-windows and an unusual roofline that I can't seem to match up. What make? I know most of this era are Ford: IMG_6667 IMG_6672
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 11/05/2024 @ 07:35:45, By atom
It's a 1930-1931 Ford Model A with a '32 radiator mask. The roofline looks quite normal to me.
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Please, help to identify a car.
Published 11/05/2024 @ 10:06:03, By night cub
Thank you!!

I didn't go back far enough in model years, I was looking in the 1932-1934 range.

Latest Edition: 11/05/2024 @ 10:08:57
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