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Look What Happned to Rosemary's Baby 1976
Published 13/11/2015 @ 21:03:50, By Max_Power
I can't seem to find this title on the site. Look What Happened to Rosemary's Baby is a 1976 television movie and it's link at the IMDb is:

It's currently up on YouTube but the video is rather limited in quality and may not be optimal for video captures. It's a rather poor sequel to Roman Polanski's 1968 film Rosemary's Baby. It's has both Ginger and Maryann from Gilligans Island in starring roles, so it has all the proper ingredients for creating real horror.

It's not a very "car centric" film but there are a few examples that caught my eye including the main character's little black sports car which seems like an first generation Toyota MR2.

If I missed its listing on the site I apologize, but thanks in advance to anybody willing to take the time to add it.
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Look What Happned to Rosemary's Baby 1976
Published 13/11/2015 @ 21:11:51, By Sandie

Black sportcar = Triumph TR7.
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