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help, which film?
Published 19/08/2017 @ 00:43:58, By steverosendale
Hi I did this oil painting a while back and I am pretty sure I got the picture from a film on TV. The sign actually said ''Conoco'' as in Conoco gas stations but I changed it to an M.
The cars in the foreground look like Mustangs but I have been through the Mustang database and can't find them.
Anyone have an idea of the film? Or the cars?
Thanks in advance!
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help, which film?
Published 19/08/2017 @ 03:19:56, By dsl
I know diddley squat about US cars, but the green notchback might be a 68-ish Mercury Cougar. Red coupe might be a 67-ish Plymouth Barracuda but probably several other possibilities, so don't take that too seriously.
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help, which film?
Published 19/08/2017 @ 03:45:16, By steverosendale
That's a start thanks! I'll have a look
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