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Unknown Prop German Licence Plate
Published 28/08/2018 @ 16:39:04, By EskimoNineteen
Hi all!

Bit of a weird one that I hope is ok to post here, especially with the wealth of knowledge within the community hive-mind!

I picked up this prop licence plate back in 1999/2000 at Pinewood Studios. It had been stored for quite some time but I don't know what movie or vehicle it was perhaps fixed to during filming. It is obviously German (filmed in the UK to double for Berlin area) and looks like the seal is police-related so guessing a police vehicle. It is painted back-to-front so also assuming that the film was intended to be flipped/mirrored (so maybe a British vehicle dressed to look German? change of steering side?)

Anyhoo, I was told it may have been from a Bond film (maybe Octopussy) but not spotted it anywhere so maybe something that filmed in the same era?

Hopefully some eagle-eyed fellow has maybe seen it before!

Any information appreciated!
File: Plate.jpg ( 103.3 KB - 611 )
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Unknown Prop German Licence Plate
Published 28/08/2018 @ 17:50:46, By tore-40
(Supposed to be) a plate from Berlin, yes, the registration sticker is supposed to be a Berlin sticker. (No police vehicle, but I'm unable to read actual text in your image) Safety/emission sticker missing. Looks close enough to see what they were copying, more than adequate for a movie. Letters are not correct though. More info here, probably already read by you:

Probably used in a movie prior to 1994 (old pre-1994 style) or set prior to 1994

No match found for your B-LR 1845

You could send user @ingo a PM (Go to 'Inbox' at the forum main page, click on 'New Topic' and you should see 'Send a private message' at the top)
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Unknown Prop German Licence Plate
Published 28/08/2018 @ 20:11:06, By EskimoNineteen
Thanks for that, will PM @ingo and keep my finger crossed!

The system would let me add the close-up image of the seal but it reads "DER POLIZEIPRASIDENT IN BERLIN" and the bear with the shield in the middle, in case that helps!
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Unknown Prop German Licence Plate
Published 29/08/2018 @ 00:48:58, By dsl

Just be careful which ingo you PM. The "@ingo" highlighted in the comments above is not the one you want, but this link should point you in the right direction
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Unknown Prop German Licence Plate
Published 29/08/2018 @ 13:34:52, By tore-40
Hmmm... Don't know why that hyperlink showed up but the username is 'ingo' (no @, just added to emphasise a username)
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Unknown Prop German Licence Plate
Published 29/08/2018 @ 19:38:03, By ingo
Yes, it's a faked West-Berlin plate.
Quite a good one, the DIN-font is not really perfect, but much better than the usual movie stuff.
Even the registration sticker it widely correct, the Berlin-armorial with the walking bear and also the inscription "Der Polizeipräsident".

Doubtfoul, if for a James Bond movie - as they are notoriously known for very terrible made-for-movie-plates.
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