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Mitsubishi sells its history and quits the U.K.
Published 19/03/2021 @ 22:14:23, By night cub
Mitsubishi Motors is gearing up to leave Great Britain and is selling off a fleet of 14 heritage cars at auction before its own Brexit in fall 2021.

Fans of the brand are now being offered the opportunity to buy a piece of history as it sells of its fleet of heritage vehicles. Highlights of the sale, which will run on through April, include two of the earliest cars sold in Britain.

The 1974 Colt Lancer is a sweet-looking 1.4-liter two-door which actually sat on the stand at the 1974 British Motor Show, and there’s also a two-liter four-door Colt Galant from the same year. Other cars that caught our eye include a 1979 Jeep CJ-3B which was made under license from Willys and brought to Britain in 1983, a 1988 Starion Turbo, and a 1992 3000GT.

Rally enthusiasts will be lining up to bid on a 1989 Galant that’s a replica of the car entered in the 1989 Lombard RAC Rally by Pentti Airikkala and an ex-works Evo IX which won the British Rally Championship in 2007 and 2008. Other Evos offered are a 2001 Tommi Makinen edition Lancer Evo VI signed by Makinen himself, 2008 Lancer Evo IX, and a 2015 Evo X. All cars are offered without reserve, alongside a lineup of private number plates.

Latest Edition: 19/03/2021 @ 22:14:52
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Mitsubishi sells its history and quits the U.K.
Published 20/03/2021 @ 07:30:27, By Baube
Wondering how much time before we see a similar article about North America.. i mean, can they really survive for a long time with only the Outlander and the RVR ( i forgot the US name ) ?
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Mitsubishi sells its history and quits the U.K.
Published 20/03/2021 @ 12:59:17, By Jnglmpera
They're not even relevant in their home country so not surprising (I occasionally see Delica D:5s and Outlanders and that's it)... I'm wondering when Nissan will just absorb Mitsubishi like how they did with Prince in the 60s.
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Mitsubishi sells its history and quits the U.K.
Published 21/03/2021 @ 20:08:49, By Sandie
I was looking at the lots the other day, this is quite sweet:

Wondering how much time before we see a similar article about North America.. i mean, can they really survive for a long time with only the Outlander and the RVR ( i forgot the US name ) ?

They actually did okay here with the L-200 and Outlander Hybrid, so it was a bit of a surprise. And, yet, we still get Subaru for their annual sales figures of about 6.
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Mitsubishi sells its history and quits the U.K.
Published 21/03/2021 @ 21:07:47, By night cub
I thought you were exaggerating, but then I saw the total number was 971. For all models.
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