Contributions » What do we do with empty pages abandoned by contributors?
What do we do with empty pages abandoned by contributors?
Published 04/08/2021 @ 09:32:34, By Jnglmpera
I've found at least two series, both Korean oddly enough, which were started by someone but for one reason or another no one seems to have worked on it and is left abandoned. What are the procedures for these types of pages?
What do we do with empty pages abandoned by contributors?
Published 04/08/2021 @ 11:09:06, By night cub
I believe that antp runs a program every now and then to clear empty titles. But by empty, that means no comments or pictures.
What do we do with empty pages abandoned by contributors?
Published 04/08/2021 @ 15:17:36, By antp
I used to do a check on entries without pictures (but not especially without comment) but I haven't done that since a long time.
I do it sometimes on the entries that are not linked to IMDb since there are many errors in there (pages created by users by mistake) but for those linked to IMDb indeed there may be some pages to clean.
The first one can be kept just in case, as the comment is useful.
The second one could be deleted (and I would probably have deleted it when found in the check on non-IMDb pages mentioned above)
Latest Edition: 04/08/2021 @ 15:18:08
I do it sometimes on the entries that are not linked to IMDb since there are many errors in there (pages created by users by mistake) but for those linked to IMDb indeed there may be some pages to clean.
The first one can be kept just in case, as the comment is useful.
The second one could be deleted (and I would probably have deleted it when found in the check on non-IMDb pages mentioned above)
Latest Edition: 04/08/2021 @ 15:18:08
What do we do with empty pages abandoned by contributors?
Published 05/08/2021 @ 17:00:19, By Jnglmpera
I think that sounds good
I was actually sort-of thinking of potentially doing Crash Landing to You just because it was one of the popular Netflix K-dramas here last year, even if it's not high on my list.

I was actually sort-of thinking of potentially doing Crash Landing to You just because it was one of the popular Netflix K-dramas here last year, even if it's not high on my list.