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Published 01/12/2021 @ 15:43:50, By rjluna2
I thought I wanted to start this thread for those who needed to have the page to be updated with replacement pictures, time stamp updated, episode number and/or role status changed.

I'll start here:

Latest Edition: 01/12/2021 @ 17:08:15
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Published 01/12/2021 @ 15:55:51, By antp
Thanks, updated
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Published 01/12/2021 @ 16:37:58, By night cub
I'm sorry, when I approved the latest batch of pics from Matlock the other day, I meant to go back and check for the replacement pics and forgot. I did go through the comments a few weeks back to catch others that were missed, so I'll try to remember to do that again.
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Published 01/12/2021 @ 17:08:38, By rjluna2
Thanks :smile:
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Published 16/12/2021 @ 08:15:01, By Jnglmpera
A bunch of the time stamps I added for Girls und Panzer Das Finale II seems to have been missed... I'll link the main page instead of the individual vehicles since there's about 35 of them.

Forgive me if I'm putting this in a wrong thread, but shouldn't these TV shows be reclassified as "Non-Fiction TV"?

Latest Edition: 16/12/2021 @ 08:15:42
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Published 16/12/2021 @ 11:36:45, By antp
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Published 17/12/2021 @ 02:42:50, By Jnglmpera
Thank you :smile:
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Published 24/12/2021 @ 11:12:54, By antp
Thanks, updated
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Published 05/01/2022 @ 08:43:02, By antp
A few series which needs to have its end year updated (unless sequels are announced)...

When you post "Series complete" for us it means that you finished completing it, not that the series itself won't have a next season.
When the end year needs to be changed, better ask it explicitly :wink:
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Published 05/01/2022 @ 17:13:33, By Jnglmpera

When you post "Series complete" for us it means that you finished completing it, not that the series itself won't have a next season.
When the end year needs to be changed, better ask it explicitly :wink:

Got it :whistle:
I'll keep that in mind when I work on the current season (and on) of Anime and J-Drama :tongue:
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Published 12/01/2022 @ 09:55:50, By Jnglmpera
J-Dramas which need to have its years corrected... Also 2 of them are currently listed as Mini-Series despite spanning multiple seasons. - beginning year - end year - end year

K-Drama which needs an updated end year:
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Published 28/02/2022 @ 09:02:34, By Jnglmpera
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Published 28/02/2022 @ 22:53:49, By JB007
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Published 01/03/2022 @ 14:54:08, By walter.
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Published 01/03/2022 @ 20:40:46, By night cub
I think they got re-numbered when the IMDB link was added
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Published 03/03/2022 @ 10:30:02, By antp
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Published 07/03/2022 @ 12:32:13, By JB007
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Published 08/03/2022 @ 20:58:14, By JB007
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