Cars & Movies » Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Published 22/01/2023 @ 18:10:55, By Baube
I was planning to go to this year auto show ( finally back after two years ) but to my ( not so pleasant ) surprise , learned that only about half of the manufacturers will be there ( 17 in total ) . Seeing what's new is tempting but paying full price for half-show is a little bit less..
Is this a tendency that affects other car shows around the world too or its just here ? It feels like from now on less and less manufacturers will display their vehicles in such events and it will be left to disappear soon ...
Latest Edition: 22/01/2023 @ 18:13:43
Is this a tendency that affects other car shows around the world too or its just here ? It feels like from now on less and less manufacturers will display their vehicles in such events and it will be left to disappear soon ...
Latest Edition: 22/01/2023 @ 18:13:43
Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Published 22/01/2023 @ 19:36:27, By antp
It was the same in Paris recently, but I think that in Brussels all were there.
Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Published 22/01/2023 @ 20:47:18, By night cub
Yes, it started before the pandemic, manufacturers are not doing shows anymore. I think it's killed several shows that used to be mainstays. These shows used to be the big draw to pull people into dealerships to buy, but I guess the draw wasn't as strong anymore.
The big Philly show starts next week, but I haven't checked it out yet to see who is there and who is not. To fill some of the space, they've been adding other car features instead, like classic cars or museum-like displays.
The past few I went to, I went during the week, as early as possible to avoid school children. I find that on the weekends, the show is basically just a huge playground for brats with parents who have no respect for actual patrons of the show.
And the cars you really want to look at, they won't even let you get close enough to touch them.
The big Philly show starts next week, but I haven't checked it out yet to see who is there and who is not. To fill some of the space, they've been adding other car features instead, like classic cars or museum-like displays.
The past few I went to, I went during the week, as early as possible to avoid school children. I find that on the weekends, the show is basically just a huge playground for brats with parents who have no respect for actual patrons of the show.
And the cars you really want to look at, they won't even let you get close enough to touch them.
Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Published 22/01/2023 @ 20:58:23, By night cub
Just looking at the list now and they only have 20 brands listed as attending, and many are missing. I don't see:
Alfa Romeo
Land Rover
Alfa Romeo
Land Rover
Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Published 23/01/2023 @ 01:12:22, By Baube
an American car show with only half of GM..
i never thought i'd hear about that one day..
Now that you can buy a car ( and even get it delivered in some cases ) on internet, it's killing the auto show just like the video killed radio stars..

i never thought i'd hear about that one day..
Now that you can buy a car ( and even get it delivered in some cases ) on internet, it's killing the auto show just like the video killed radio stars..

Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Published 23/01/2023 @ 12:09:00, By antp
I like these autoshows to quickly see inside+outside all the cars when you have not a fixed model of what you'll buy as next car.
Sometimes you see cars that you would not have considered otherwise. I remember that I was pleasantly surprised by the Honda Jazz (= Fit) a few years ago, for example.
Sometimes you see cars that you would not have considered otherwise. I remember that I was pleasantly surprised by the Honda Jazz (= Fit) a few years ago, for example.
Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Published 23/01/2023 @ 20:20:58, By Baube
Me too.. internet might be able to show pics of the car from all angles, nothing beats getting inside it to take a look on the visibility, touch the material, have an idea of how comfortable ( or not ) the seats are..
( thats how i learned that a 2000 Saturn SL1 was more comfortable than its bigger cousin L-Ŝeries . Might be a setting thing, might be conception , but i was happy to get back in the SL1 ... )
( thats how i learned that a 2000 Saturn SL1 was more comfortable than its bigger cousin L-Ŝeries . Might be a setting thing, might be conception , but i was happy to get back in the SL1 ... )
Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Published 24/01/2023 @ 12:36:07, By Jnglmpera
Tokyo Motor Show's been on a somewhat of a decline since the 2000s. While there's still the domestic makers all showing up, the foreign brands have been an afterthought for a while, and that was before the pandemic. I'm not sure what would happen for this year's Tokyo Motor Show... Er, I mean, Japan Mobility Show; which would be the first post-pandemic motor show not counting the Auto Salon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Latest Edition: 24/01/2023 @ 12:38:44
Latest Edition: 24/01/2023 @ 12:38:44
Montréal ( and other cities ? ) Auto Show.. Endangered Species ?
Published 26/01/2023 @ 06:27:03, By Exiv96
It was the same in Paris recently, but I think that in Brussels all were there.
Mercedes-Benz and Volvo weren't there. Almost no bikes either ; only Honda and BMW brought some. But what annoyed me - and that's why I didn't go this year - was the small display area. If you look the map at the link below, only five palais were used, compared to double that number before the pandemic.
And having Hyundai, Isuzu, Maxus, MG, Silence (who?), Ssangyong and Suzuki stuck together in a quarter of palais 6 desn't seem like a good choice, even though they all seem to have the same importer.
Anyway the results are in.
Slightly less visitors than expected, but there was a 35.000 visitors per day limit. There was also a lack of affordable cars on display, which is blamed on either the push towards electric vehicles or on european manufacturers considering small cheap cars not profitable enough.
As I heard an expert say on VRT news, this also reflects the reality of the belgian car market, which is becoming a B2B (business to business) affair, with 62% of car sales in 2022 being fleet leases. And people who are lucky enough to get a company car often like premium brands. That's probably why BMW is the most popular brand in Belgium now.
Anyway, I'll probably go to the 2024 auto show, if the floor space gets back to pre-Covid levels.
Latest Edition: 25/02/2023 @ 04:03:51