General » A little request...
A little request...
Published 25/08/2023 @ 00:37:32, By QueenMDX
Hi all! So I was just wondering if its ok to have another account on here for my sister who is also into cars as well. Sorry if this is out-of-the-blue, but she wanted to also create an account on IMCDb but I was sort of worried about a rule of not having suspected "alternate/sockpuppet" accounts since we're basically sharing the same computer and IP address.
A little request...
Published 25/08/2023 @ 19:29:50, By antp
Indeed it may occur in case of problems that I notice that two accounts share the same IP address, and conclude that a user just created multiple accounts to go around a ban, but it is fine as long as both of you behave correctly
We also had the case of a user creating multiple profiles to confirm his wrong identifications
Latest Edition: 25/08/2023 @ 19:30:49

We also had the case of a user creating multiple profiles to confirm his wrong identifications

Latest Edition: 25/08/2023 @ 19:30:49
A little request...
Published 06/09/2023 @ 17:59:42, By MisterZ
QueenMDX - what's your sister's username?