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Published 15/05/2024 @ 01:02:10, By POn
My comments were deleted on both & I'm confused
The color appears to be Cranberry Metalic sold from 2002-2003.
This is a facelift by the Taillamps & and LT by the tailgate badge & rims.
pls, let me know why they were deleted.
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Published 15/05/2024 @ 01:27:59, By Baube
what was the comment on the Spark ? i agree on LT but tail lights were the same 2016-end of the road
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Published 24/05/2024 @ 23:54:03, By POn
New 1
This van
listed as a 2001 but missing the "Chrysler" 2001 would have

Latest Edition: 24/05/2024 @ 23:54:56
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