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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 15:14:19, By walter.
Hi guys, I've seen now that the forum has been changed. Good job, but I just want to give you an advice. I think the words are a bit too small: :heink: in fact, who has a medium screen (like me), has to make some efforts to read the words. :eek: In my opinion the words format was perfect before that change. What do others think about it? :smile:
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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 15:16:35, By antp
I just changed the theme, I found that it was looking nice but indeed it is maybe difficult to read on some monitors... I'll switch to another one.
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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 15:19:53, By antp
I changed again, I was testing themes, is it ok now? (I do not know which one it was when you posted :lol: )
edit : and you deleted your post :oh:

Latest Edition: 07/01/2009 @ 15:20:07
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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 17:49:18, By ingo
The font may be better, but the size is still to small. It's very straining to read.
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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 17:52:10, By antp
Better now?

Anyway, some day I really should make a theme for this forum, to make it look like the site :grin:
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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 17:54:12, By ingo
Hmm, a bit. But bigger would be better. On the right and the left of the text-lines is still much empty space.

P.S. Not of the text-lines, I mean of the complete list. The frame is IMHO too big.

Latest Edition: 07/01/2009 @ 17:55:48
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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 18:23:36, By walter.
Now it's OK I think
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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 19:16:52, By antp
On the right and the left of the text-lines is still much empty space.

But that was already like that, no?
I can't change the page width
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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 23:29:16, By Neptune
The current theme (blue with swirls) looks like something inspired by Dr. Seuss :grin:
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The new Forum
Published 07/01/2009 @ 23:59:17, By dragonboy3000
If the words area bit small to read, just use the old trick Ctrl+mouse wheel, and the text size will increase. Or alternatively Ctrl +/Ctrl -.
And the last one View - Text size - and choose.
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The new Forum
Published 09/01/2009 @ 05:42:40, By qwerty_86
I like this new theme.
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The new Forum
Published 19/01/2009 @ 08:05:06, By 93_Montero
How can everyone like this new theme and color? It's simply not relaxing to the eyes. It's too bright and sense the color of the font in the forum text is the same as the background it all sort of blends in together. I would have chosen darker more bold colors but that's just me. I also don't see why it had to be changed in the first place.

Latest Edition: 19/01/2009 @ 08:06:57
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The new Forum
Published 19/01/2009 @ 14:40:27, By antp
I also don't see why it had to be changed in the first place.

This theme gives a little wider pages I think.
Also the old one was rather ugly :grin:
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The new Forum
Published 23/01/2009 @ 05:26:45, By 93_Montero
Seriously, the last forum colors were better. How is straining your eyes to read such bright font better? Why did you choose this color? Why isn't the font a darker more easier to read color? I'm really not happy with the change. Why fix something that's not broken? As for making wider pages, that has nothing to do with the color choice. You could have made the pages wider and kept the old colors.
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The new Forum
Published 23/01/2009 @ 05:55:55, By dragonboy3000
I like the new look forum. It's a more... how do i say it...perkier appearance.
Ive had no troubles with reading font or anything. And if i had, all i did was enlarge everything, by Ctrl+ScrollWheel and the text gets a bit bigger.
Good work antp. Im not criticising or anything, but you can't always satisfy everybody, thats just life.
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The new Forum
Published 23/01/2009 @ 16:16:28, By antp
As for making wider pages, that has nothing to do with the color choice.

I can only change theme, not change specific attributes.
I should make a imdb theme, but there will be change made to the forum in the near future so it is better that I make the theme after that.
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