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car repair using nylons
Published 01/02/2010 @ 22:24:02, By sisterinlaw
as a birthday surprise for someone working with gear-belts we are looking for movies with the following:
car breaks down in the middle of nowhere
=> man uses woman's nylons (or bra) to fix the gear belt.
There must be quite a few classic movies featuring this, I am sure, but I can't think of the names.
Thanks for any advice!
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car repair using nylons
Published 02/02/2010 @ 11:58:19, By antp
If I remember well, the Renault 4 in the French movie "Banzai" was repaired with a similar technique, but I can't remember if it was with nylons or with a belt.

Latest Edition: 02/02/2010 @ 11:58:26
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