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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 20/07/2011 @ 11:50:46, By antp
1. Lincoln Continental

2. on the site it would be listed as "Lincoln Town Car Stretched Limousine", but there are a lot of them

4. something from Australia (Holden) or maybe another Opel-related car from South Africa?

5. AMC Gremlin, maybe this one:

8. Looks like a Pontiac GTO (or another similar model), maybe this one:

9. Bristol 405: taken from this scene:

Latest Edition: 20/07/2011 @ 11:54:38
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 20/07/2011 @ 17:14:48, By eroock
Great stuff antp, for #1 maybe it helps to identify the left car as well?
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 20/07/2011 @ 18:12:03, By eroock
I found #2 -> In the Loop
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 20/07/2011 @ 18:30:01, By eroock
#4 the diamond-shape logo doesn't look like a Holden to me and the right hand traffic doesn't point to South Africa
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 00:41:16, By atom
#1 is from the movie Crash:

Isn't #4 just an ordinary Opel D Rekord? Like this: ?
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 05:12:38, By eroock
atom, thanks for #1.
#4 I think you are spot-on with the 1972 Opel Rekord. However my search on this site yielded nothing. The distinctice door painting (looks like a fruit to me) and the taxi sign would make it stick out like sore thumb. Possibly not included yet.
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 05:20:33, By eroock
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 06:23:46, By eroock
#3 close-up. seems to be a European movie/car. my closest guess is a mercedes.
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 06:24:09, By eroock
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 10:39:27, By antp
#6 looks seems to be a Ford Crown Victoria of 1998 or later (the most common car on the site :grin: )

Latest Edition: 21/07/2011 @ 10:39:41
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 12:29:19, By ingo
Yes, no.4 is an Opel Rekord D in West German taxi colour, the plate seems to be from West Berlin.

No.3 is a Mercedes W 114 Coupe, 280 SE maybe.
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 21:37:50, By eroock
Ingo, if it's a Mercedes W 114 it could be this movie

Yet no Opel Rekord with Taxi sign and Berlin plate on this website =(
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 21:47:10, By Sandie
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Need a couple of cars identified or better the movie they are in (screenshots)
Published 21/07/2011 @ 22:20:34, By antp
Sure, cf the image in comments, it is that one. Good find :wink:
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