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Is it worth keeping this forklift truck?
Published 07/03/2014 @ 03:48:40, By eLMeR
It appears just one second, as a transition to show that the action takes place on docks. And for me, it's an unknown model from an unknown mark.
But it is right in the center of the screen, and certainly big enough to be recognized (by specialists, not by me :smile: ):
(Click on the picture to see a larger version of it)

Do you think it is worth having a page?

Subsidiary question, in order to help me for potential later identifications: does anyone know what is the pickup on the right?

Latest Edition: 07/03/2014 @ 03:51:54
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Is it worth keeping this forklift truck?
Published 07/03/2014 @ 10:48:16, By antp
The green+yellow one in the middle? Yes, it seems visible enough to be listed.
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