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Media Player Classic
Published 14/08/2006 @ 11:54:59, By garco

I use Media Player Classic for saving screenshots, but how can I start MPC without opening my dvd-player (it's set default to MPC)?

I just want to 'say' to my PC, start up DVD xxx.

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Media Player Classic
Published 14/08/2006 @ 11:57:21, By wickey
well if I understand what you want - MPC is simple .exe program, so just click on the exe file and MPC will start - then open etc etc..
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Media Player Classic
Published 14/08/2006 @ 12:09:20, By antp
You can associate MPC to DVDs in its "options" window.
Or use Ctrl+D shortcut to "open" the DVD once MPC is loaded.
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Media Player Classic
Published 14/08/2006 @ 12:26:14, By garco
But I don't know how I start MPC...
It runs automaticly when I put a DVD in my computer.
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Media Player Classic
Published 14/08/2006 @ 12:53:57, By antp
just run the .exe file of MPC
you can put a shortcut to it in your startmenu or in desktop (right click on the desktop, new shortcut, etc.)
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Media Player Classic
Published 14/08/2006 @ 12:58:38, By garco
I understand, but where is it! :wink:
I can't find it on my pc, what's the exact name of the file? mpc.exe?
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Media Player Classic
Published 14/08/2006 @ 13:12:34, By garco
Aha, I think I have found it.
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Media Player Classic
Published 14/08/2006 @ 13:15:40, By antp
ha sorry I did not understand :grin:
mine is mplayerc.exe but I am not sure that it is the original name.
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Media Player Classic
Published 14/08/2006 @ 19:46:41, By wickey
yes it is original name
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Media Player Classic
Published 05/09/2006 @ 17:05:07, By Raul1983
I have a technical question...

I go to MPC and click "Open DVD". DVD opens and the main menu appears. Only one problem; how can I select an episode when I can't click anything in the video screen (MPC is ofcourse just a player). There must be a simple solution to this but I haven't found it yet.
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Media Player Classic
Published 05/09/2006 @ 17:35:07, By antp
On my PC it works, but sometimes the clickable areas are not really at the same place than what is visible. If you move the mouse near the links/buttons of the menu you should see the clickable links.
Else you can move in the menu using the keyboard, but I do not know what are the keys defined by default. This is on the "keys" page of the options window, under "DVD menu left/right/up/down/activate".

Latest Edition: 05/09/2006 @ 17:35:32
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Media Player Classic
Published 05/09/2006 @ 20:32:46, By Raul1983
Thanks, I got it ! Clickable areas were in slightly different place just like you figured.
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Media Player Classic
Published 16/10/2006 @ 23:12:11, By ahight
how do you change "Save Image" ratio?

i'm using the default settings and when i save images they're screwed up so that i have to change them in photoshop and i still get comments that the ratio isn't right. Is there a setting or trick to this?
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Media Player Classic
Published 17/10/2006 @ 00:06:54, By antp
I fix the ratio in Paint Shop Pro, which is easy as the program allows to enter a ratio (1.33, 1.66, 1.85, 2.35) instead of having to compute the new height.
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Media Player Classic
Published 17/10/2006 @ 00:29:48, By wickey
and in mpc is no setting for that :ohwell:
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Media Player Classic
Published 17/10/2006 @ 09:50:30, By antp
It is even more frustrating because you can dynamically change the displayed picture ratio & size using numeric keypad, but it is not applied to the saved picture.

Latest Edition: 17/10/2006 @ 09:51:34
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Media Player Classic
Published 17/10/2006 @ 12:02:34, By wickey
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Media Player Classic
Published 17/10/2006 @ 15:18:08, By garco
I use the batch conversion of irfanview to resize/crop images.
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Media Player Classic
Published 30/10/2006 @ 19:34:12, By Raul1983
Garco, how do you fix ratio in Irfanview ? What is a normal ratio for picture ? Is there a certain width and height percentage ? I have wide pictures like this for example:

Latest Edition: 30/10/2006 @ 19:34:39
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Media Player Classic
Published 30/10/2006 @ 20:00:13, By garco
Depends on the ratio of the DVD. Mostly it's on the cover: 16:9, 4:3 etc.

The picture you have is 750x600, that's 1.25 (750/600). If you do 750/1.25 you get 600...

If the ratio on the cover is 4:3, you have to do: 750/1.3333 = 562.

4:3 = 1.33
5:4 = 1.25
16:9 = 1.77

there's also 1.66 and 2.35 but I have never seen them.

You can access this in irfanview by control-r. Note the checkbox 'preserve aspect ratio'. This checkbox has to be off.
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